Tuesday 7 April 2015

Final High Summer/ Beach Look

I decided to take the makeup and hair design that I did for my timed assessment and re-shoot it, but this time to use as the high summer/ beach look instead, as I felt the look fitted better with this time of the year than it did with Spring/ Summer. 

I am much more pleased with the outcome of this shoot than I was of my timed assessment shoot, as I feel the setting of the pool side and the tropical plants offsets the hair and makeup well and really brings a beachy summer vibe to it. I personally also prefer location shoots to studio shoots as they add interest to the final image, and the natural lighting gives a soft glow to the skin which is what I wanted to achieve. 

Below are some images that I took on a different camera to the ones above, and the photos have come out with a slight blur on them which gives them a glowing and radiant effect which I like, although the images as a whole are not quite as clear as the ones above, but the blurred glow on them goes with the summer/ beach look quite well. 

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